The Price of Love

还记得年少时的梦吗 | 像朵永远不调零的花 | 陪我经过那风吹雨打 | 看世事无常 | 看沧桑变化 |那些为爱所付出的代价 | 是永远都难忘的啊 | 所有真心的痴心的话 | 永在我心中 | 虽然已没有他
走吧 走吧 人总要学着自己长大 | 走吧 走吧 人生难免经历苦痛挣扎 | 走吧 走吧 为自己的心找一个家 | 也曾伤心流泪 | 也曾黯然心碎 | 这是爱的代价
也许我偶尔还是会想他 | 偶尔难免会惦记着他 | 就当他是个老朋友啊 | 也让我心疼也让我牵挂 |只是我心中不再有火花 | 让往事都随风去吧 | 所有真心的痴心的话 | 仍在我心中 | 虽然已没有他
走吧 走吧 人总要学着自己长大 | 走吧 走吧 人生难免经历苦痛挣扎 | 走吧 走吧 为自己的心找一个家 |也曾伤心流泪 | 也曾黯然心碎 | 这是爱的代价
Remember the dreams of youth | They're like flowers that never wither | They've weathered with me the storms of life | They've seen things change | They've watched time pass | The things I did for love | Are memories I cannot regret | Every word so sincere, so true | I hold them all in my heart | Even though it's all the past
Move on, go on - we all learn to grow up sometime | Move on, go on - taste life with all its bitter and sweet | Move on, go on - find your heart a home | Though there might be tears & heartache | Though there are times hearts may break | That's the price of love
And so memories they linger, sometimes | And I feel wistful for the past | They're just like old friends | Who have a hold in my heart | But the sting & pain they hold are long gone | Carried away by the winds of time | And every word so sincere, so true | They remain what I hold in my heart | Even though it's all the past
Move on, go on - we all learn to grow up sometime | Move on, go on - taste life with all its bitter and sweet | Move on, go on - find your heart a home | Though there might be tears & heartache | Though at times hearts will break | This is what we pay, this is the price of love

The multi-hyphenate Sylvia Zhang recorded this song late in her prolific career, and the lyrics suggest a hard-won clarity and truth about life that is beautifully conveyed in her understated performance of the song. There is a sense of holding on to what truly matters, and choosing to let go of what doesn't, in this meditation on growing up and growing older, which holds many gifts for clients I see.

Many people hold on to what has been painful and hurtful and use these memories to inform how they approach life. This results in a way of living that is, at best, limited as they unconsciously close themselves off and remain trapped in a pattern of belief and behavior that ill serves them. As the song suggests, paying the price of love - of loving oneself enough to let go of habits that hinder and hurt - is the way towards truly living.

Though the song's original Mandarin lyrics might not be easily understood, perhaps Ms. Zhang's nuanced delivery, coupled with the English translation of the lyrics (all errors are mine), can convey the wisdom and truth that the are song's gifts.